Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Klatawa Kopa Kulshan

It is a little unfortunate that there were no correct entries for last weeks' Where in the World is Mr. Alford mystery location; Brookside students missed out on an opportunity to get some free stuff at Mr. Alford's favorite store in the world.
We will not dwell on this fact because Mr. Alford received exceptional treatment at the UW Shoreline Neighborhood Clinic (answers from previous puzzlers will be underlined from here on out), and recovered enough from his Viral Conjunctivitis to send off on an adventure that had been a long time coming.

With that, Mr. Alford would like to pose the question to the brilliant students of Brookside.......

Where it the World is Mr. Alford?

Mr. Alford woke at the unusually early weekend hour of 6am in the heart of Greenwood on a rainy Sunday, bid farewell to his beautiful wife Jenny and pet Gargoyle Eli, saddled his Little Steel Pony and pedaled approximately ten miles north-north-west.

At approximately 8:07am Mr. Alford loaded his Little Steel Pony on this Iron Horse.  The morning sun shines bright on the side of the engine of this particular locomotive; one might be able to conclude what direction it is traveling.

Mr. Alford and his skis disembarked the locomotive in the largest city in Whatcom County....

and rendezvoused with his buddy Dr. B and family.  The bay in the background bears the same name as the City in which Mr. Alford stands in this photo. Lummi Island rises on the clearing horizon.

Mr. Alford then pedaled steadfastly uphill east against the drainage of the snowiest  mountain in the World. 

After riding at an average of approximately 12 mph for 3 hours (math is everywhere says Mrs. Paden), Mr. Alford arrived again at civilization and was able to fill  his water bottles at the Chair Lift that has no ski hill. 

Mr. Alford's brief respite from the saddle was rudely interrupted by the necessity of spinning up 2844 feet of Forest Service Road 39.  Mr. Alford enjoys the fact there are places in the World where a bike is is a much better transportation tool than a car.

 Snow?  Where in the World is there snow in early June?

Mr. Alford's Trusty Companion Dr. B is way to helpful with this clue. 

Proper nutrition and good rest are essential components of peak athletic performance.  Mr. Alford didn't get much quality shut-eye on this adventure though.  Dr. B snores loudly and blames Satsquatch in the morning!

 Dawn Patrol.

 Dr. B can climb no higher.  In fact, he is nearing the summit of the third highest volcano in Washington State.

Where in the World is Mr. Alford? 

 Although Mr. Alford and his trusty companion Dr. B embrace the hard work of climbing the biggest hills they can find, both have much more fun speeding downhill on glaciers void of the trace of human passage.

Since there was no winner on the first Where in the World is Mr. Alford mystery location, Mr. Alford has made the executive decision to double down on this Friday's prize.  A correct answer drawn out of the Where in the World is Mr. Alford box in the library wins a $20 gift certificate to Mr. Alford's favorite store in the World,  Second Ascent in Ballard.

Good luck Blujays!

Kloshe Konaway

Mr. Alford


  1. Gigi knows the answer but doesn't want to give it away! :) She's going to put it in the library box tomorrow. You have quite the amazing adventures! Cheers, Margaret Cassady

  2. Thanks Margaret! There were only a few entries in the box today so Gigi has a great chance of winning a prize this week!

    Thanks for commenting and please stay in touch here as I travel next year, it would be great hearing from you and Gigi!


  3. That's awesome Mr. Alford. Can't wait for the next post.
    -Megan O'Neill

  4. Thanks Megan! There is a new post up and you have a jump on figuring it out. Make sure to get your guess into the Where in the World is Mr. Alford Box in the Library. Mr. Rodgers will be pulling out another winner this week!

    Keeping checking in here this summer and stay in touch!

    Mr. Alford
