Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kia ora Aotearoa

Mr. Alford currently finds himself standing on the southern island of the archipelago country known by its' native people as Aotearoa and basking in the summer sun of the southern hemisphere.

In 1642, near this very spot, Dutch explorer Abel Tasman anchored his vessels Heemskerck & Zeehan just offshore.  On the shore, they spotted smoke from a fire and later in the day two canoes filled with natives of this island approached his ships.  Men from these canoes called out in a loud voice and blew a horn that echoed across the waters of the is bay lined with golden beaches.  An officer from the Zeehean replied with his own trumpet and this strange communication continued until nightfall when the canoes departed for shore.

Early in the morning, the Zeehaen's dingy rowed across to the Heemskerck to allow the ships' officers to confer.  Upon its' return to the Zeehaen,  the two canoes raced from the shore and attacked the boat, killing four of the seven crew.  The three survivors jumped into the water and swam to the safety of the Zeehan as a barrage of gunfire erupted from the decks of the ship and sent the attackers paddling back to shore.  Captain Tasman pulled anchor feeling sure that opportunity for friendship with these people had closed and named the bay "Moordenaers" (Murderers') for the events that occurred there on that day.

Three hundred years later this land was proclaimed a National Park and today boasts one of the most beautiful and historic 'Great Walks' of the Country in which Mr. Alford now resides.
Can you guess where in the World is Mr. Alford?  Name the Country, Island and National Park in which Mr. Alford now stands and submit it to the Where in the World is Mr. Alford Box in the Brookside Library.  Mr. Rodgers will soon be drawing a lucky name for a great prize.

Mr. Alford would like to remind all of his students and colleagues to find a way to celebrate their personal level of fitness that bring them a sense of joy and satisfaction and that physical fitness opens the door to wonderful opportunities in life!

Kloshe konaway
Kloshe nanitch

Mr. Alford

 Where in the World would Mr. Alford and Jenny spot a Blue Penguin?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Kopet mamook klatawa

Where in the World is Mr. Alford
Chinook Wawa

kopet - stop, end
mamook - make, to do
klatawa - journey, travel

Over the Apalachicola River, into the eastern time zone and through the city of Chattahoochee, FL Mr. Alford and his illustrious wife Jenny continued their adventure through the Alligator State into the lands claimed by Juan Ponce de Leon for the Spanish Crown in the year 1512.

Through the town where the legendary musician Ray Charles called home,  Mr. Alford and Jenny pedaled against the waning sunlight of short days and over the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway with great anticipation of reaching the Ocean that covers 20% of the World's surface.

Mr. Alford currently stands near gates made of coquina that contain the oldest European settlement in the United States and the city that served as the capital of Spanish Florida for over two hundred years.  Mr. Alford and Jenny have packed their bags and will soon be flying south into the summer of the southern hemisphere.

Can you guess Where in the World is Mr. Alford?  Submit your answers at the Brookside Library and Mr. Rodgers will soon be drawing a name for a great prize.  As always, Mr. Alford would like to remind his students and colleagues to get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day as physical fitness opens your life to a rich and wonderful variety of experiences!

Kloshe konaway
Kloshe nanitch

Mr. Alford  

 "Share the Road" has a little different meaning in Florida!

 Mr. Alford hanging out with the legendary Ray Charles in the town that he called home.

Do you like kale?  Mr. Alford likes kale.  Lots and lots of kale!

Mr. Alford not being a very good nutritional role model.  Banana Cream Pie for lunch! 

 Mr. Alford and Jenny are very happy about reaching their goal!